



电   话:025-86882271


传   真:025-57714759


研究领域及方向: 资源利用与环境效应、生态系统服务评估、生态保护与修复 



主持国家自然科学基金项目4项,参与承担中国科学院A类战略性先导美丽中国专项“长三角区域生态环境协同管理与综合治示范”、国家重点研发计划 “20世纪50年代以来中国北方湖泊变化及其生态效应研究”(子课题)、国家自然科学基金重点项目“太湖流域土地利用变化对生态服务功能影响机理与评估”、国家高端智库试点重大项目 “长江经济带协同发展战略研究”、中科院重点部署项目“长江中游通江湖泊生态系统服务变化与提升”、中科院STS项目“长江经济带岸线资源调查与评估”、中科院知识创新工程重大项目“三峡工程蓄水运行生态环境影响跟踪评估研究”等重大项目10多项;作为重要骨干参与编制《长三角生态环境共同保护规划》和多项市县级国土空间规划。 


发表论文60多篇,其中SCI/SSCI论文35篇(二区以上20余篇),包括Earth-Science ReviewsEcosystem ServicesLand Use PolicyJournal of Cleaner ProductionJournal of Geophysical Research-BiogeosciencesScience of the Total EnvironmentJournal of Environmental Management中国科学院院刊》、《生态学报》等地学与生态环境领域权威期刊;撰写国家层面咨询建议多份,参编《长江保护与发展报告》、《长江经济带重大战略问题研究》等专著6部获省部级二等奖1项。 


1. Xibao Xu, Jingping Liu, Yan Tan, Guishan Yang. Quantifying and optimizing agroecosystems services in the Taihu Lake Basin, China.Journal of Environmental Management, 2021, 277: 111440. 

2. Xibao Xu, Bo Jiang, Minkun Chen,et al. Strengthening the effectiveness of nature reserves in representing ecosystem services: The Yangtze River Economic Belt in China.Land Use Policy, 2020, 96: 104717. 

3. Xibao Xu, Guishan Yang, Yan Tan,et al. Unravelling the effects of large-scale ecological programs on ecological rehabilitation of China’s Three Gorges Dam.Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020, 256: 120446. 

4. Xibao Xu,Minkun Chen, Guishan Yang,et al. Wetland ecosystem services research: a critical review.Global Ecology and Conservation 2020, 22: e01027. 

5. Bo Jiang,Xibao Xu. China needs to incorporate ecosystem services into wetland conservation policies.Ecosystem Services, 2019, 37: 100941. 

6. Xibao Xu, Huizhi Hu, Yan Tan,et al.Quantifying the impacts of climate variability and human interventions on crop production and food security in the Yangtze River Basin, China, 1990-2015.Science of the Total Environment, 2019, 665: 379-389. 

7. Xibao Xu, Guishan Yang, Yan Tan.Identifying ecological red lines in China’s Yangtze River Economic Belt: A regional approach.Ecological Indicators, 2019, 96: 635-646. 

8. Xibao Xu, Yan Tan, Guishan Yang, Jon Barnett. China’s ambitious ecological red lines.Land Use Policy, 2018, 79: 447-451. 

9. Xibao Xu, Bo Jiang, Yan Tan, Robert Costanza, Guishan Yang.Lake-wetland ecosystem services modeling and valuation: Progress, gaps and future directions.Ecosystem Services, 2018, 33:19-28. 

10. Xibao Xu, Guishan Yang, Yan Tan,et al. Ecosystem services trade-offs and determinants in China's Yangtze River Economic Belt from 2000 to 2015.Science of the Total Environment,2018, 634:1601-1614. 

11. Xibao Xu, Guishan Yang, Yan Tan,et al. Impacts of land use changes on net ecosystem production in the Taihu Lake Basin of China from 1985 to 2010.Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 2017,122: 690-707. 

12. Xibao Xu, Guishan Yang, Yan Tan,et al. Factors influencing industrial carbon emissions and strategies for carbon mitigation in the Yangtze River Delta of China. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2017, 142: 3607-3616. 

13. Xibao Xu,Guishan Yang, Yan Tan,et al. Ecological risk assessment of ecosystem services in the Taihu Lake Basin of China from 1985 to 2020.Science of the Total Environment, 2016, 554-555:7-16. 

14. Xibao Xu, Yan Tan, Shuang Chen, Guishan Yang. Changing patterns and determinants of natural capital in the Yangtze River Delta of China 2000-2010.Science of the Total Environment, 2014, 466-467: 326-337. 

15. Xibao Xu, Yan Tan, Guishan Yang. Environmental impact assessments of the Three Gorges Project in China: Issues and interventions.Earth-Science Reviews, 2013, 124:115-125. 

16. 陈旻坤,徐昔保*. 近30年来鄱阳湖生态系统服务变化. 湖泊科学, 2021,33(1): 309-318. 

17. 徐昔保, 马晓武, 杨桂山. 基于生态系统完整性与连通性的生态保护红线优化探讨——以长三角为例. 中国土地科学, 2020, 34(5): 97-106. 

18. 杨桂山,徐昔保. 长江经济带“共抓大保护、不搞大开发”的基础与策略. 中国科学院院刊,2020,35(8): 940-950. 

19. 鲍远航, 徐昔保*, 陈晔.太湖流域农田稻季CH4通量特征及影响因子.生态学报, 2020, 40(21):7690-7698. 

20. 刘静萍,徐昔保*. 不同管理模式对农田生态系统服务影响模拟研究——以太湖为例. 生态学报,2019, 39(24): 9314-9324.